There's lots of other Irish Terrier things out there ...
There’s lots of other sites out there with many things Irish Terrier.
Here are some links.
Please note that these links do not mean endorsement of the product, books or site.
Books and Magazines
If you’re interested in the history of Irish Terriers.
Cards and Gifts

£10.00 each plus P&P (£2.50) Further details from the Secretary email:
Grooming Tools
Going over the coat with a piece of Pumice stone will remove lose and straggly hairs and undercoat. Some people prefer to strip by gripping the hair between the thumb and a stone rather than a knife.
A comb to remove tangles and mud; a terrier palm pin pad for general grooming removing loose dead hair; a ‘knife’ (a misnomer as it is never used as a cutting tool) for trimming; and scissors for fine work and tidying around ‘working’ parts.