Looking after your Irish Terrier

Part of the beauty of Irish Terriers is their sleek lines when groomed and on show, and their equally borderline scruffy look when their coats grow.  

They don’t need full time care and grooming, but just like each of us they do need some care and attention.

Here we have brought together a combination of grooming and health advice to help you keep your dogs in tip top condition.
North of England Irish Terrier Club
Photo courtesy Andrea Howarth

Whether for show or to keep your Irish Terrier trimmed and in good shape, read our Grooming and Trimming guide here.

Learn about what you need to be doing to train your Irish Terrier.

Read Here

Cystinuria is a rare condition, but if you want to learn more,

Read here.

To learn more about Hyperkeratosis now termed Hereditary Footpad Hyperkeratosis,

Read Here