Comments on: Do all Irish Terriers have an under-coat? Supporting Irish Terrier and their Owners - Everywhere! Mon, 03 Apr 2023 18:44:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deputy Dawg Mon, 03 Apr 2023 18:44:14 +0000 In reply to Frank Harkin.


Thank you very much for your question. We’re sorry our response has taken so long, your Q was lost in the junk.

Irish Terriers are not the only terrier breed to be hand stripped. Others include Airedale, Wire Haired Fox Terrier, Lakeland, Welsh and many more. These breeds do not moult and there is no need to strip their coats. Many owners prefer them not stripped, so there is no need only personal choice.

We hope this helps.

All the best to you and everyone in NZ.

By: Frank Harkin Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:28:48 +0000 Hi – I want to know why Irish Terriers were bred or evolved to need to be hand-stripped? I understand how stripping is done and why – for the health and strength of the coat. But why did this breed evolve with a need to be stripped?
Wellington NZ
